There are many different discounts that you can add to your registration! Aside from these, we offer camperships for those who may need extra assistance getting to camp.
Early Bird
Bring a Friend
Double Dose
When your registration is submitted and paid in full by April 1st, we will deposit $25 ($20 for Mini Camp) into your camper's Canteen account!
If you bring a friend who has never been to a summer camp week at LCLC, you will receive $100 off ($50 for Mini Camp) of your registration! Instructions for this discount can be found in the registration process.
This discount does not apply to siblings or Confirmation Camp.
When you come to camp for more than one week, you'll get $25 off of your second week! Instructions for this discount can be found in the registration process.
Sibling Discount
When signing up under the same family account, each additional sibling will receive $25 off their registration. This code will automatically update in your registration.